Your Watershed Moment: A Game-Changing Strategy for Personal and Professional Development

September 7, 2023
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In every business field, pursuit, and decade of life, there are the “outliers” –those top 10% who find the motivation, courage, and pathway to succeed and make a difference, no matter what the current moment in the world or in their field.

A few years ago, I heard this invaluable advice and took it:

“Get around the very best people you can afford to join.”

Like everyone, I love and have learned volumes from free online content—short videos, podcasts, downloads, as well as inexpensive books. But there comes a watershed moment for those who wish to rise to the top of their fields or to exponentially expand their impact in the charitable cause of choice, that you must “pay to play.” Yes, there are exceptions-those who did it on their own, but they are rare indeed.

Have you arrived at your “Watershed Moment?

First, let’s define its meaning in this context:

Watershed Moment [Definition]— When you realize that you need to seek out a bigger, wider, higher, more excellent, circle of support, education, and inspiration if you wish to continue or begin to experience significant personal, entrepreneurial or business growth.

Your Watershed Moment can come in many forms and “moments of realization.” Can you relate to one or more of these below?

·     You can clearly see that you are “too close” to your daily work to identify and execute on strategies that would take your efforts to a whole new level.

·     Every year your goals are lofty and similar, but you fail to achieve them. You are even tempted to stop writing them down.

·     You know that you are doing many tasks that are either an inefficient use of your time or that you should not be doing at all. But you don’t know how to let go of this long-term pattern, even though your work is now more demanding, threats loom, or opportunities are greater.

·     You don’t know exactly what you need to do differently but know you cannot continue to work like you have and expect anything more than incremental growth, if that. (You can see that you are now firmly in your own way of significant growth.)

·     You are blaming your stagnated growth on the “usual suspects”- lack of time, resources, the economy, politics, world events, or your industry, etc. You tell yourself that many in your field are also struggling (but you also know a few enjoying incredible success.) You know you too, deep down, you are just making excuses for not figuring out how to both make an impact AND provide well for yourself and those you love.

·     You see what you need to do, but don’t have the right knowledge or resources to execute on it. In fact, sometimes it feels challenging to even keep up with what you are doing now.

·     You have a keen sense that “time is running out,” for you to achieve what you feel you are capable of in your work. If you are honest, you must admit that there are fewer years available for your work before you than behind you and you are not comfortable with what you have set aside for your future.

·     You know that if you don’t connect with the very best in your field, your “scenery” will never change. Few, if any, in your immediate circle still strive to operate at the level of excellence and continued growth you do. A number are either “winding it down,” coasting, or retiring. Some close to you may even actively sabotage your efforts.

·     You now think not only of the investment costs in securing additional support but also in terms of your “lost opportunity costs.” You strongly suspect that you are potentially leaving “thousands on table” each month and will continue to do so by putting off investing in yourself. You must change this equation.

·     You still have big plans for your future.  You refuse to accept your current level of success as your “high watermark.”

My Watershed Moment:

A few years ago, I came to the point in my career that, despite the cost, I knew I needed to continually identify the very best in my industry and to spend as much time as I could with them. It was then that I invested in my first real coach and even flew across the country to meet with him for 90 minutes! (By the way, my dad thought I was crazy as it was a huge expense but the advice I received paid off instantly and many times over.) I also joined several paid business development/marketing communities. And I invested significantly in both one-time strategy sessions with top coaches and in top business development programs. I also started my own weekly mastermind group so that I could be challenged by others pursuing excellence.

I have never looked back.

These ongoing strategies now form the backbone of my development efforts:

“Who is the very best coach or program I can identify and secure this year to help me?” And, “What existing investments do I wish to continue or swap out?” Dropping out of “school” is no longer an option.

What was the result? Our business tripled in growth! This breakthrough provided resources for my business and family that I could have only dreamed of 10 years ago.

Are you at your own Watershed Moment and wish for a similar breakthrough in your personal or business life? Consider these steps:

1.    Take Brian Tracy up on his challenge.  Invest 3% of whatever you currently make on personal and business development—coaching, counseling, marketing help, mastermind groups and skill acquisition, etc.

(Hard Truth: Most of us are willing to spend on vacations but balk at investing anything close to that amount in our work or business. I guarantee if you do invest 3% in your personal or business growth, you will take far better vacations! This investment may be painful your first year and you may need to either forego that big vacation or save funds by taking a staycation, but this one-year sacrifice will be temporary and your results permanent!

2.    Join a paid mastermind group or form a free one of your own. The best ones instantly provide a place for you to have your toughest questions answered any time and feature a “hot seat” format where each meeting affords at least one participant a chance to get feedback on his or her business or personal challenges. This is invaluable! As they say, “A good group’s IQ is always genius level!”

3.    I am a superfan of freebie content too, but eventually, like choosing to attend a top university, there is a “tuition fee” to be mentored by the greatest practitioners of your desired pursuit. Many of us didn’t blink about investing in our university or vocational training, but for some this was the last significant education investment we have ever made. Time to go back to school! View it as an investment, not just as an expense. It is.

I hope I have challenged to recognize your own Watershed Moment in your personal life, business, or career. Consider your own current “lost opportunity costs.” Discuss your situation with someone who can help you see what you may be giving up AND what would make sense for your to invest in yourself this year to go “further faster.” Then, make the jump!

If you are interested in a strategic coaching session of your own to help you determine your path forward, I am here to help. Make this your Watershed Year!

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